Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Bryan Adams Experience

being an opening act is shitty. yes, backstage is not as good as the main performer; the food you get is nothing compared to the one THE artist has; the soundcheck is too short and rushed; your sound is supervised by the main artist's sound engineer... and if this person decides you're too loud or doing something that is threatening, your sound can be controlled without your own sound engineer even knowing it. yes... being the opening act is a shitty job... but an important one, and it's a pleasure doing it. we knew all this from the first day we got the news, and we just understood the importance of the whole situation, so we did it with a big smile on our face.

when we started playing the venue was a little more than half-full, and poeple's reaction was pretty good. we were a little scared because this was bryan adam's audience, a mixture of thirty-forty somethings that could easily be put in the category of adult contemporary, where we obviously don't belong. but hey, there were some fans because some people yelled our names and they cheered when our songs were introduced, so that was a nice surprise. the performance went smoothly and when we arrived backstage, the smiles were even more prominent. our resume had just gotten a whole lot bigger :P

now it's time for mister bryan to step on the stage. this guy arrived directly from the airport and he just gave a two+ hour set which included ALL of his hits. it's funny how before the concert i just remembered 5, maybe 6 songs... but ALL of his repertoire was saved in my hard disk, i couldn't believe it. he played everything. the last last song he played with his entire band was my favorite "run to you", then he went to play one final acoustic encore. i was waiting for him downstairs with edilma's cd so he could sign it, but no... being the opening act is not enough... it's a shitty job, remember... so i was very elegantly kicked out of the surrounding areas, and i was able to see how bryan just came down from the stage and got into a car that was waiting for him... and he was gone. oh well... i want to be this famous and arrogant and powerful :)

backstage we were talking about how the most important gig of our lives had been the "worst", but it had been a success. so there it was again...the big smile, just like the one you get when your unfaithful lover says he/she's back again... with love to share and a heart to open.

yes, i forgive you bryan. thank you :D


Edilma said...

When the hell did you arrive donut boy??? :(

Well it sounded like a nice experience after all, although i don't forgive him for not signing my CD ;)

I would have scream your names and sing your songs dear BSF...hee hee.

One more question:




Uta Refson said...

Oh Nilz........
I know you were fabulous!
Personally, I would have come to see your band and then left after.
I too can not forgive hime for nor signng dear Edilma's CD, but more unforgivable is how you guys were treated.
Fame is a bitch!
Keep on rockin'!
This is only the beginning!

Anonymous said...

Not even a thank you for warming up the audience? Awwww, being the opening act keeps one humble, doesn't it.

I'm sure your band was wonderful! And I'm glad you had some of your own fans there.

Edilma said...

New post por favor dear donut boy!