Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Dead Angel of Salvation

charred remains on a swollen path to pleasure
take me in your arms and wake me up from this dream
i won't rest until you've saved me, until you've cured me
i won't rest until you leave
how can i be cleansed from what you call misery
when misery stands naked in front of your eyes, not mine
if i need to be dirty to be get clean
then dirt i shall embrace with glee
and it'll all be your fault, my dear
it'll all be your fault, my "saviour".


Edilma said...

Hahahahahah it'll all be your fault hahahahahaaah...nice one.

Oke deja.


Anonymous said...

It's not me who's dying, it's you. I will not have any pity for you, you are choosing your fate, with your lack of courage. I cannot but try to make you see, just bcs I feel it. Simple humanity. I have been blessed. I know what it is to be trapped in hell, it almost made me die of sadness, so I see clear where you stand. Trapped and with a weak body to fight, I hope your family is helping you, I wonder what they think. Anyhow, you will suffer until you learn, there's NO other way around it.

Anonymous said...

That Chinese text says it all. Thats true light.

Edilma said...

Is hell in Los Narajos? :P