Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Rotten

there were some nights when your fury was scarce. true love can't always reign, i know. but you're just not the same as before. your body has grown tired, and my patience has grown thin. your body is not as warm as before. your hands can't hold me as they did days ago. you're no longer moist in the face of desire. something's in the air... something rotten smells in here. it's plain to see, at least for me... it's time to put my love in a body bag. oh dear, can't you see?


Edilma said...

First she's cold, now she's not "moist"...how nice.

Going to Wikipedia right now...


Uta Refson said...

"no longer moist in the face of desire"?????????????
that is truly sad
and a bit disturbing in conjunction with that pic dearest nilz............