Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Amor... Amar

amor... amar is a song by camilo sesto. he wrote the music, and in this particular case, he used a poem by lucía bosé as the lyrics. one specific line tells us:

"si tu dolor fuera mío... y el mío tuyo
qué bonito sería... amor... amar"

which translates to:

"if your pain were mine... and mine yours
how beautiful it would be... love... to love"

ever since i heard that song, i've always linked pain to love. i guess i've always known it, but finally i can put words to that feeling. and to describe love like that, to feel each other's pain, is just lovely. it's not about happiness, it's not about being together forever, it's not about gifts, dinners or letters. no... if i cry when you cry... and you cry when i cry... then it's meant to be.

love and pain... inseparable.

let's get hurt.
have a happy (painful?) thursday.

PS: i wrote this wednesday night... i prefer to talk about love under the moon's silhouette. it just makes more sense. ssshhhh ;)


Edilma said...

Ahhhh Camilo! Wat a lovely surprise.

Yes, Lucía is a very special lady, and she has blue hair hee hee.

Nilz said...

camilo is always a lovely surprise.

lucía... and her charming son, miguel... beautiful family right there ;)


Anonymous said...

Love bittersweet love. Meant to be, have you seen the movie Made in Heaven, well I haven't but my friend just sent me this link about it, now I'm curious!

Nilz said...

anonymous - made in heaven...? is that the one with timothy hutton and kelly mcgillis? i think i saw that movie on TV sometime in the 80s. can't remember it very well.

Anonymous said...

Yes Nilz that one, I want to watch it, will be difficult to find though, so old... Cheers