Friday, September 08, 2006

To Sir... with Love?

Got home around 3am. Woke up at 6:30am. Had to be at work at 7:00am to give a panel (oral evaluation). Had a hangover.

Do you think the students noticed?

Bad, bad teacher!!!!!

Shame on me.
I don't take Fridays very seriously :P sssshhhhhh x 1000


Edilma said...

Isn't that a song? "To Sir, with love"....I believe i have it ;)

Bad teacher, bad!...

Again, I take fridays VERY seriously...don't play with that.



Anonymous said...

To Sir with Love. I'm old enough to have seen that movie when it first came out.

I was just a teenager myself that year...couldn't drive so my Dad took me to the movie.

The students probably noticed your hangover but didn't!

Nilz said...

yes edilma, the title song from the movie is sung by lulu, which also stars on the film.

minnie - it's a very good movie. i really enjoy sidney poitier. one of the freakiest memories of my life is watching (several times) guess who's coming to dinner? on TV when i was 5 or 6 years old.